When I was a kid, my mama and/or lola (grandmother) would always ask me to help them with gardening. This happens especially during the weekends or on weekday afternoons when I get home from school. As a kid, I hated it. I hated labouring in the garden, pulling out weed in a squatting position, and getting garden tools to and fro. It’s tedious, meticulous, and I don’t understand why there’s so much pleasure doing it. I’m pretty sure every other kid my age back then hated it as well. All we kids wanted to do was either watch TV or play with other kids in the neighbourhood ’til sundown.
Fast forward twenty-plus years and here I am, keeping myself busy on weekends and getting all hyped and excited each time the sun is out because well, wadaya know, it’s a good time to do gardening.

I’m not sure what the heck happened to me but whatever it was, I’m sure that choosing to do gardening, rather than being forced to do it, is an adulthood milestone and it 100% validates that one is a full-fledge grown mature adult. Needless to say, not only have I reached that milestone, but I’m on top of it, I’m nailing it, and yes, I’m one damn proud PlanTito – an uncle who enjoys plants, planting, and everything about gardening.
Continue reading “How to fix a garden: A pandemic project”