Australian Citizenship: basic guide to becoming an Aussie

About a month and a half ago, I became a full-fledged Australian citizen. For most migrants and expats like myself, finally getting that ever-coveted Australian citizenship is a dream come true.

But how does one become Australian? What are the necessary steps that you need to take so that one day you can be a full-fledged Aussie? In this post, I will outline the basic steps that will guide you to get your Australian citizenship.

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I’m back – a 2021 recap

After what felt like forever – around 6 months I think- I’m back to this site and writing again. What a year 2021 was. It was exhausting, depressing, and full of joy at the same time. And just so I have something to look back to years from now, here’s a quick recap of the important things that transpired during one of the longest years of my, and everyone’s, life.

I passed the Australian Citizenship test

Being a full-fledge Aussie is something that most Filipino immigrants – and most immigrants in Australia for that matter – aspire for. I say most because not everyone wants to even when they could. But I’m not one of those.

So last year, I took my test and passed with flying colours. I prepared as much as I could and was so excited and happy when the computer screen showed me my results.

The next and final step after passing the test is to do the pledge of loyalty. It’s supposed to be done within months from taking the test but unfortunately, lockdown happened and I did not want to do the oath taking virtually. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I wanted to do it right.

So yes, I’m an Aussie-in-the-waiting.

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I’m tired.

I’m tired.

I’m tired of hearing friends and family telling us “take care of yourselves”, “just stay home”, “don’t be too complacent”.
I’m tired of being reminded of the things that I have been doing since more than a year ago.
I’m tired of being told the same thing over and over and over as if I’m not doing any of it.

I’m tired of reading news about people getting fined for doing unnecessary travels.
I’m tired of seeing people on Instagram, Facebook, and all other social media platforms going out and about as if there’s no pandemic, there’s no lockdown, there’s no health orders to stay home.

I’m tired of conspiracy theorists, of people peddling fake news, of ignorant anti-vaxxers who keep saying “it’s just a flu”.
I’m tired of arrogant pricks who, instead of being open-minded, choose to argue with every single person on the internet.
I’m tired of insensitive people who think their lives are more important than others, who assume that just because they are famous or rich, they can get away with breaking the rules and do what they want without consequence.

But I guess I’m not as tired as the doctors and nurses and every single health care worker who are doing their best to save people from dying in this bloody pandemic. I know I shouldn’t be complaining but I’m just tired as fuck right now.

I’m just fucking tired.

Expat life: why you should and shouldn’t do it

Six years ago, I decided to be an expat. I wasn’t pressured nor forced into it. It was a decision that, after two months or so of careful thought process, I made for myself. There were no external factors either, such as the need to feed a family or a desire to please parents who obliged me to. Simply put, I had the freedom to choose whether or not I’ll go.

Unfortunately not all Filipinos who decide to go overseas and be an expat have the same circumstance as myself. While the need to provide for the family isn’t always the reason why Filipinos try their luck overseas, in most cases, it is. And I can just imagine the pain and sacrifice one has to go through when deciding to leave everything behind, whether they like it or not, just so they can provide a better future for their family.

Expat: noun, a person who lives outside their native country.

However, if you are one of the lucky few who have the luxury to say “I’ll think about it” should an opportunity to go overseas arise, then I suggest that you really really reeeeeaally do think about it. It’s definitely not a walk in a park but if you manage to pull through, 9 out of 10 I guarantee you, you will become 100% way better than you are right now in so many ways you can only imagine.

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Why are Filipinos so hard-headed?

Kids waiving Philippine flag

For the almost five years I have lived here in Australia, and all the times I was able to travel to other parts of South East Asia (HK, Singapore, Indonesia), I see Filipinos who abide by the local laws. I see Filipinos who are obedient, who are disciplined, and who are commendable. And yet when you take these same Filipinos and bring them back in The Philippines, they’d be having a hard time following laws. So I can’t help but wonder, why are Filipinos so hard-headed?

I ask this question all the time whenever I’m back home, or when I watch or hear news or trending posts on social media about people deliberately disobeying the law or not following the rules.

And I’m not even talking about rules during lockdown periods or super-strict city ordinances. I’m talking about simple rules like, I don’t know, crossing the street? Or getting on and off the bus/jeepneys. Or very basic road rules regarding counter-flowing or driving on sidewalks.

One doesn’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out these rules. And yet, some Filipinos find it really hard to follow them.

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