Failing forward: why it’s okay to fail and why failing is necessary

Is failing something you avoid? Is it something that frustrates or angers you? Do you get sleepless nights when you fail at something?

If you’re the type of person who abhors failing and would feel like a total failure whenever things don’t go according to your plan, don’t worry. There are literally 7 billion plus people in the planet and you’re not the only one who feels that way. As a matter of fact, being outraged when you’re failing or when you fail at something is pretty normal. It’s the default human reaction.

But there’s another type of people who welcomes failures. These people have accepted that failing is a natural part of the process. Be it the process of being a parent or the process of learning something new (like photography) or the process of falling in love, failing for them is not an “if” question, but rather, a “when”.

Me? Oh, I’m part of the first group. I hate failing. I’m outraged each time I fail at something.

Being angry at failing is normal

LOLJK not really. I’m the I-failed-but-I-wonder-why type of person.

Continue reading “Failing forward: why it’s okay to fail and why failing is necessary”

Money talk 101: Managing your finances well

Money Talk 101

Dette and I were watching Big Bang Theory earlier tonight and the opening scene was Sheldon checking out Raj’s finances. He later on concluded that Raj cannot go to Comic-Con because he’s out of money. Prior to that episode, Raj decided that he would be a grown-up and stop asking for money from his father. So now, he is in deep debt, he’s homeless, and yeah, he can’t go to Comic-Con. Although I found the entire scene (and the episode in general) hilarious, if you think about it, Raj’s predicament really isn’t. Especially when you realise that that sort of thing actually happens to a lot of us.

So now here I am, writing another article on my blog, and wanting to talk about money.

Raj can't go to Comic-Con
Continue reading “Money talk 101: Managing your finances well”