After what felt like forever – around 6 months I think- I’m back to this site and writing again. What a year 2021 was. It was exhausting, depressing, and full of joy at the same time. And just so I have something to look back to years from now, here’s a quick recap of the important things that transpired during one of the longest years of my, and everyone’s, life.
I passed the Australian Citizenship test
Being a full-fledge Aussie is something that most Filipino immigrants – and most immigrants in Australia for that matter – aspire for. I say most because not everyone wants to even when they could. But I’m not one of those.
So last year, I took my test and passed with flying colours. I prepared as much as I could and was so excited and happy when the computer screen showed me my results.
The next and final step after passing the test is to do the pledge of loyalty. It’s supposed to be done within months from taking the test but unfortunately, lockdown happened and I did not want to do the oath taking virtually. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I wanted to do it right.
So yes, I’m an Aussie-in-the-waiting.
We survived lockdown
Last year was, for me, the most difficult time during this pandemic. Just when we thought we were out of the woods, the Delta variant wreaked havoc across the state. Apart from travel restrictions (no more than 5kms from home), curfews were imposed, and lockdown felt like it wouldn’t end.
Just after Mary and I came back from our quick Gold Coast holiday, state borders were shut. We got back just in the nick of time.
I was stressed, depressed, and anxious all at the same time. I felt tired all of the time and I abhorred going inside my home office. Hence, this post.
Thankfully, Buddy and Mary were there to keep me sane. I’m so glad I have them both. I’m not sure how I would have survived lockdown if not for them.
Buddy’s 1st anniversary
Back in August 2020, I adopted Buddy. Since then, my life has been different. Completely different. Buddy brought back the joy and happiness of having a dog at home. And although he developed separation anxiety because I was always home during the lockdown period (4 months), I was able to train it out of him just before I started going back to the office.
Buddy is one of the best decisions I have made here in Australia. And while he is not the kind of dog that I imagined I would have, I think he’s exactly the dog that I need.
I got engaged…
As early as March last year, I decided that I’m going to ask Mary to marry me. We had only been a couple for a year at that time – a really really short time for most – but I felt and I knew that she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I popped the question while we were on a boat party by the harbour. It was already November by then. It took so long for me to propose from the time I decided because of lockdown. The weather was perfect and our friends were with us. It was magical and I’m just really glad that Mary said YES and I didn’t drop the ring.
Watch the proposal video here:
…and got married!
Two days after I proposed, Mary and I decided to get married the following month (December). It was because of tradition and superstition that we had to it right away. Otherwise, we would be able to get married in 2023 or 2024 and we didn’t want to wait that long.
Our wedding was supposed to be minimal and intimate, with just our siblings as witnesses and two friends as guests. Thankfully, my brother and sister-in-law convinced us that we should do something more than that. We ended up inviting all of our close friends in Sydney and live-streamed the ceremony so that our family and close friends overseas could still join us. My brother arranged for the videographer and the photographer, while his wife organised the picnic reception.
Kuya and Angel, if you’re reading this, we just want you to know that we love you soooooooo much and thank you for making our day super duper memorable. As in!

We picked La Perouse for the location of our wedding. This is the place where we had our first afternoon walk and where we really started to get to know each other. The beautiful Alice Harrington, my officemate, married us. She was lovely and cute all throughout. Since it was an outdoor wedding, we were so worried about the weather. But, as you can see in the photo above and the one below, the weather was absolutely beautiful.

Wedding video to follow 😉
What about you? How was your 2021? I hope it wasn’t as stressful but instead, more than exciting as mine. Tell me about it in the comments below!