I’m back – a 2021 recap

After what felt like forever – around 6 months I think- I’m back to this site and writing again. What a year 2021 was. It was exhausting, depressing, and full of joy at the same time. And just so I have something to look back to years from now, here’s a quick recap of the important things that transpired during one of the longest years of my, and everyone’s, life.

I passed the Australian Citizenship test

Being a full-fledge Aussie is something that most Filipino immigrants – and most immigrants in Australia for that matter – aspire for. I say most because not everyone wants to even when they could. But I’m not one of those.

So last year, I took my test and passed with flying colours. I prepared as much as I could and was so excited and happy when the computer screen showed me my results.

The next and final step after passing the test is to do the pledge of loyalty. It’s supposed to be done within months from taking the test but unfortunately, lockdown happened and I did not want to do the oath taking virtually. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I wanted to do it right.

So yes, I’m an Aussie-in-the-waiting.

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