Hello world (again)!

So this is my nth attempt at making and maintaining a blog. Hooray!

If you have been following my blog for some time now, you may be surprised with the sudden lack of content and the slight change of layout. No, you did not land on a different blog. It’s still me. You’re still reading The Weekend Warrior.

The reason why this space is practically empty at the moment is because, well, I lost all my previous data.

WHAT???!!! Yes, that’s true. Over the past week, I did the unthinkable (for any programmer/developer, at least) and I upgraded my server without actually making a backup of everything. As to why I did not think of doing that before upgrading, I have no idea.

So, here we are. I cannot promise to write more content consistently though and I’m pretty sure that you are used to not reading anything from me for a long time. But since you’re still here, might as well stick around.

Who knows? I might suddenly make something magical.


PS. I just realised you can actually see an archived version of my blog, HERE and HERE.